How to re-grip your

golf clubs at home

Regripping your clubs at home not only saves you some money, but it also allows you to understand more about your equipment and have a little bit more appreciation for the build process and the craftsmanship of club-building. Re-gripping yourself also gives you control over the process which means you have the freedom to mess with your tape structure, or maybe try out some new styles of grips. With some help from our sponsor SuperStroke and their Re-Grip Kit, let’s break down how to do this at home.

The Re-Grip Kit from SuperStroke will come with enough pieces of grip tape for an entire set as well as enough solvent for the set. There’s also a shaft block included for setting your clubs in a vise. Outside of these items you’ll need a few more things:

Bench vise

A good sturdy work bench and some sort of vise are crucial equipment for regripping at home. Without a sturdy surface to re-grip on, you’ll be fighting yourself the entire time trying to regrip your clubs. We suggest buying an inexpensive 5” vise and bolting it to your workbench.

Hook Blade

A hook blade is a specially shaped utility blade that allows you to safely hook under the golf grip and cut through it without damaging the golf shaft. You can either buy blades for your standard utility knife, or you can buy inexpensive hook blades like the one we’ve got here.

Heat Source

It doesn't matter if it's a small butane torch, a propane torch, or a heat gun, some sort of heat source is a great assistant in getting the tape from the old grips off of the golf shaft.

Old Towels

Having some old towels around for the process of regripping a set of clubs is a good idea. You’ll need something to wipe down the shafts, save yourself from getting sprayed with solvent, and then general cleanup as necessary. We would suggest to use microfiber towels for this purpose.

Now that we’ve got all of our materials ready to go the first thing we want to do is organize all of our gear. Get your clubs and organize them in numerical order. This will help make your life just a little bit easier if you’re regripping multiple clubs. From here the order of operations is up to what works best for you. We like to do each step to all clubs at one time, others like to regrip a single club at a time from start to finish. Regardless, the steps are the same!

Step 1: Cut Off Old Grip

Using your hookblade get under the end of the grip on the bottom side, and cut off your old grip laying the blade flat along the shaft and cutting away from yourself so you don’t damage the golf shaft or yourself. It may require a few slices to get that old grip off, but once youre able to rip that old grip off of the club, you can go ahead and throw that in the garbage.

Step 2: Remove Old Tape

Once you’ve removed the grip itself now you’ve got to deal with the old tape, and fair warning, this can be the most stressful part of this entire process. But that’s where your heat source comes in handy. Using that heat source move the heat up, down, and around the old tape to loosen up the adhesive. Make sure not to let the heat sit in one spot for too long, or to overheat the tape. You’ll know you are heating too much if you start to see any burning happening. You may have to repeat this process a couple of times before you can get all of the old tape off.

Step 3: Install Shaft Clamp Onto Shaft

The provided shaft clamp will go around the shaft of the club you want to regrip and then using the wings on the clamp as a guide to place it into the vise, you can set the club into the vice making sure that the face is square. Once you’ve got a nice square clubface in the vise, go ahead and tighten down on that vise to lock that club in.

Step 4: Install New Grip Tape

Using the strips from your Re-Grip Kit or cutting tape lengths off of a roll, install one edge (longside) of the tape onto the golf shaft, and then tightly wrap the tape around the shaft making sure that the end of the tape is overlapping the end of the shaft by about ⅛”. Once you’ve wrapped the tape around make sure to smooth out any small bumps that may have formed so you don’t feel those under your grip. This is also the time for you to install any unique tape sections that you like or prefer. Experiment with this to find what feels best to you!

Step 4: Install New Grip

Take your provided spray bottle of solvent and spray some on top of the grip tape that you just installed. Then, making sure that you have a finger covering the small hole at the butt end of your new grip, spray a bunch of solvent into the grip itself. Once you’ve got a healthy amount in the grip go ahead and use your other hand to close up the larger hole on the other end of the grip and shake that grip back and forth a little bit to spread the solvent around the inside. After a few shakes you can dump the excess solvent left inside onto the grip tape, and then in one firm motion get the grip started onto the end of the shaft and slide it onto the shaft. Once you have hit the end of the shaft make sure that the grip is properly aligned to the clubhead. With good alignment, you can take that club out of the vise and give the grip a couple good taps on the ground to make sure its fully seated.

Step 6: Let Your New Grips Dry

Now that you’ve got your new grips installed you’ll want to let the solvent and tape dry for about 30 minutes before you start taking swings with them. And that’s it! You’ve successfully re-gripped your clubs at home. Just repeat the process for as many clubs as you have. You should have some solvent left over maybe to help a couple friends out, and the shaft clamp included in the kit is nearly infinitely reusable.

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Thanks to our sponsors at SuperStroke USA for providing us with the grips you saw in today’s demonstrations. For more information about the entire lineup of SuperStroke products visit their website at